2021-2022 Fall Term
Educational Activities and Measures
- All undergraduate and graduate programs and all the educational activities run by the School of Foreign Languages are conducted through face-to-face education.
- Considering the nature of the programs, physical conditions and the number of students, the option of online education, which could make up at most 40% of the whole education (advisably kept to a minimum), is determined and arranged by the directorate of departments and any arrangement regarding this issue is approved by the Faculties and Graduate Schools.
- The English Proficiency Test, the French Proficiency Test (Written and Oral Examination), and the English Proficiency Exam for Exemption I-II are held face-to-face.
- To be able to conduct all the classes healthfully under the obvious circumstances of the epidemic, necessary preparations should be made such as planning all the face-to-face classes according to the number of the students, and necessary precautions should be taken such as making sure of the general hygiene, social distance, proper ventilation and mask-use.
- Taking the progress of the epidemic into account, if regarded as necessary by the directorate of the departments, reduced or grouped teaching methods or shortened sessions are to be applied for face-to-face classes. In the meantime, instructors are not to carry out block scheduling and are to ensure proper hygiene and ventilation in the classrooms during breaks.
- Online education is held at the precise time period specified in the course schedule, and it is held synchronously.
- Some undergraduate and graduate courses are allowed to be taught both remotely and face-to-face synchronously, and accordingly the Faculties/Institutes/Schools make the necessary arrangements,
- In case of overlapping courses in a student's curriculum, a maximum of two overlapping courses are allowed to be selected on condition that one of the overlapping courses is held by online education method, and no obligation of attendance is to be enforced if students are retaking a failed course.
- Suspending study and other similar requests of students with chronic diseases are evaluated by the relevant Board of Directors on condition that students document their condition.
- Courses that are conducted online by the teaching staff are to be recorded on the learning management system, enabling students to watch those courses again
- All mid-term, end-of-term (final), and make-up exams (even if the courses are carried out online) are to be implemented face-to-face, and any necessary precautions such as mask, distance, hygiene and ventilation conditions should be taken during the exams.
- 60% of the in-term grade and 40% of the end-of-semester grade are considered when measuring success:
a. one (1) midterm exam is mandatory and sufficient for the 60% share of the in-term grade evaluation (the in-term grade can be determined with a single midterm exam),
b. in addition to the compulsory midterm exam, the course instructor decides whether another measurement and evaluation method is required within the framework of the design of the relevant course,
c. For the 60% in-term grade evaluation, in addition to the compulsory mid-term exam, the instructor determines the type and weight of the additional assessment method (homework, project, exam, seminar, presentation, sketch, report, etc.) if necessary,
- It is decided to provide the necessary mask, distance, hygiene and ventilation conditions in the dormitories belonging to our university; to request a negative PCR test taken no more than 72 hours before the entrance to the dormitory from the students and officials who will stay in the dormitories except for the ones who have had their second vaccine at least 15 days before entering the dormitories, and the necessary controls will be carried out by the coordination of the Dormitory Management,
- Mandatory HES codes are to be controlled at the entrances to the campuses. It is obligatory to have a vaccination certificate showing that the second dose of the vaccine has been taken at least 15 days or a negative PCR test taken 72 hours before the entrance.
- All measures related to the epidemic, such as wearing a mask, maintaining social distance and hygiene, are taken according to the Action Plan of the YTU COVID-19 Scientific Committee, and all students and staff must comply with these measures.
- Announcements are to be made to all academic and administrative staff and students that the vaccination program carried out by the Ministry of Health is supported by our University Administration,
- All the articles above may be revised because of the ever-evolving nature of the epidemic and the binding decisions of the Higher Education Council, the Governorship of Istanbul, the Istanbul Provincial Public Health Board, and other top authorities of our state.
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