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Board of Directors

The University Administrative Board is the highest decision-making body of the university in administrative matters. Under the presidency of the rector, the university administrative board consists of a director who is elected by the deans, institute directors and directors of vocational schools from among themselves. The vice-rectors and the secretary general attend meetings as non-voters, and the secretary general serves as the rapporteur. Student representatives of the university, as non-voters, can attend all the meetings except academic promotion, appointment and discipline issues.

Duties and Powers of the University Administrative Board are as follows:
  • To prepare the strategic plan of the university,
  • To decide on the performance program of the university,
  • To prepare and announce the self-evaluation report that evaluates the education, research and community service activities of the university on a regular basis for the public every year according to predetermined performance principles,
  • To prepare the investment program and budget of the university,
  • To make decisions on the transfers between budget chapters,
  • To decide on expropriation on behalf of the university, purchase of the real estate, the establishment of real rights in favor of third parties on real estate owned by the university,
  • To decide on the appointment of academic staff,
  • To take decisions on the issues that the Rector puts on the agenda concerning the university management,
  • To decide on the objections raised to the decisions taken by the faculty, institute and vocational school administrative boards.
University Board Members
  • Rector

    Prof. Dr. Eyüp Debik

  • Dean of the Faculty of Education

    Prof. Dr. Ali Fuat ARICI

  • Acting Dean of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics

    Prof. Dr. Ahmet Faruk BAKAN

  • Dean of the Faculty of Science and Letters

    Prof. Dr. Salim YÜCE

  • Acting Dean of the Faculty of Naval Architecture and Maritime

    Prof. Dr. Serkan EKİNCİ

  • Acting Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

    Prof. Dr. Yasin ŞEHİTOĞLU

  • Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering

    Prof. Dr. Ahmet DEMİR

  • Acting Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Metallurgy

    Prof. Dr. Osman SAĞDIÇ

  • Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

    Prof. Dr. Zehra Yumurtacı

  • Acting Dean of the Faculty of Architecture

    Prof. Dr. Sırma TURGUT

  • Acting Dean of the Faculty of Art and Design

    Prof. Dr. Turan SAĞER

  • Acting Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences

    Prof. Dr. Özer ÇINAR

  • Members

    Prof. Dr. Ahmet Göksel AĞARGÜN
    Prof. Dr. Nurten VARDAR
    Prof. Dr. Uğur DOĞAN

  • Rapporteur

    Ahmet Yüksel KARAHAN (Secretary General)

  • Student Representative