The University Administrative Board is the highest decision-making body of the university in administrative matters. Under the presidency of the rector, the university administrative board consists of a director who is elected by the deans, institute directors and directors of vocational schools from among themselves. The vice-rectors and the secretary general attend meetings as non-voters, and the secretary general serves as the rapporteur. Student representatives of the university, as non-voters, can attend all the meetings except academic promotion, appointment and discipline issues.
Duties and Powers of the University Administrative Board are as follows:
- To prepare the strategic plan of the university,
- To decide on the performance program of the university,
- To prepare and announce the self-evaluation report that evaluates the education, research and community service activities of the university on a regular basis for the public every year according to predetermined performance principles,
- To prepare the investment program and budget of the university,
- To make decisions on the transfers between budget chapters,
- To decide on expropriation on behalf of the university, purchase of the real estate, the establishment of real rights in favor of third parties on real estate owned by the university,
- To decide on the appointment of academic staff,
- To take decisions on the issues that the Rector puts on the agenda concerning the university management,
- To decide on the objections raised to the decisions taken by the faculty, institute and vocational school administrative boards.
University Board Members
Prof. Dr. Eyüp Debik
Dean of the Faculty of Education
Prof. Dr. Ali Fuat ARICI
Acting Dean of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Faruk BAKAN
Dean of the Faculty of Science and Letters
Prof. Dr. Salim YÜCE
Acting Dean of the Faculty of Naval Architecture and Maritime
Prof. Dr. Serkan EKİNCİ
Acting Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Prof. Dr. Yasin ŞEHİTOĞLU
Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering
Prof. Dr. Ahmet DEMİR
Acting Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Metallurgy
Prof. Dr. Osman SAĞDIÇ
Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Prof. Dr. Zehra Yumurtacı
Acting Dean of the Faculty of Architecture
Prof. Dr. Sırma TURGUT
Acting Dean of the Faculty of Art and Design
Prof. Dr. Turan SAĞER
Acting Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences
Prof. Dr. Özer ÇINAR
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Göksel AĞARGÜN
Prof. Dr. Nurten VARDAR
Prof. Dr. Uğur DOĞANRapporteur
Ahmet Yüksel KARAHAN (Secretary General)
- Student Representative