A Sustainable Campus that Promotes Innovation
It Educates Students Who Will Be the Leaders of the Information Society
Faculty of Education
The Faculty of Education consists of Computer and Instructional Technologies Education, Basic Education, Turkish and Social Sciences Education, Foreign Language Education, Educational Sciences, Psychological Counseling and Guidance, and Mathematics and Science Departments. With its 100 academics, the Faculty continues its life with the vision of training teachers, administrators and experts who will be the leaders of the information society, while providing its students with skills such as creative thinking, problem solving, taking responsibility and teamwork.
Engineers Responding to Country Requirements Are Here
Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
The Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, consisting of Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering and Control and Automation Engineering Departments, trains engineers with its 145 academics to develop knowledge and experience at global standards to meet the needs of the country.
Students who Analyze and Synthesize Knowledge
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Faculty of Arts and Sciences consists of Western Languages and Literatures, Physics, Statistics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Turkish Language and Literature, and Humanities and Social Sciences Departments. Continuing its role in order to become a preferred faculty with its education, research and cultural environment, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, with its 305 academics, trains creative, entrepreneurial and inquisitive students who are equipped with universal values, who constantly renew themselves and who can analyze and synthesize knowledge.
Education Standards at Universal Level are here
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
The Faculty, which consists of Economics, Business Administration, Political Science and International Relations Departments, has been training entrepreneurial, innovative and sensitive individuals who have been ready to serve for the society and needed by the private sector and the public since its establishment in 1992. Continuing its education life with its 112 academics, the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences follows universal educational standards and leads the way in improving the quality of scientific research in the field of Social Sciences.
It Increases Quality in the Construction Industry at an International Level
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Consisting of Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Geomatics Engineering Departments, the faculty's distinguished academic staff of 165 people convey to their students their practical experiences and expertise and what they have gained from the projects they have carried out within the framework of university-industry cooperation, in the light of the theoretical knowledge filtered from national and international research projects.
It Produces High-Quality Engineers
Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering
Consisting of Bioengineering, Food Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mathematical Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering departments, the Faculty trains experienced, high-quality engineers equipped with high-level qualifications and knowledge and laboratory facilities. The Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering provides a high level of added value to the development of the country by carrying out research projects with the industry, with its 160 academic staff. In its laboratories equipped with modern devices, studies are carried out within the framework of the Ministry of Development, TUBITAK, YTU Research Fund and internationally supported projects to meet the demands and needs of the public and private sectors.
To Gain Interdisciplinary Working Skills…
Faculty of Art and Design
The Faculty, which consists of Communication Design, Music and Performing Arts and Art Departments, is sensitive to social dynamics based on cultural values, aware of universal values and open to innovations. It can closely follow technical and scientific developments, produce original and new projects in the field of art and design, and create a work of art for people and train students who can make an impact on the world and work interdisciplinary. Founded in 1997, the Faculty of Art and Design continues its education with 65 academics.
Practical Training Model
Faculty of Applied Sciences
The Faculty of Applied Sciences, which includes the Department of Aviation Electronics, is training students to help them develop strong application, research and development skills and be aware of the social responsibilities they hold. The faculty aims to encourage students to be lifelong learners with critical thinking and effective decision-making skills; and good team players who are useful to their country and humanity with their sensitive and innovative nature. The Faculty, which provides education to its students with its 7 academics, distinguishes itself from other faculties with its practice-oriented education model.
Departments Affiliated to the Rectorat
- Ataturk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution,
- Turkish Language,
- Informatics, and
- Physical Education Departments,
continue their education practices under the umbrella of the Rectorate.
Sorgulayıcı ve Etik Değerleri Özümseyen Bireyler Yetişiyor
YTÜ Enstitüleri, Fen Bilimleri ve Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü olarak eğitim veriyor. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, sürdürülebilir mükemmellik ve inovasyon felsefesini temel alarak, akılcı, üretken ve sorgulayıcı, etik değerleri özümsemiş bir eğitim ve araştırma ortamı sağlayarak, akademik anlamda donanımlı ve dünyanın karşı karşıya kaldığı sorunların çözümünde etki sahibi bireyler yetiştirmek için çalışmalarına devam ediyor. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü ise kurum içi ve kurumlar arası iletişime ve iş birliğine önem veren, disiplinler arası iş birliği ile projeler üreten, lisansüstünde uzmanlığa yönelik öğrenim veren, eğitimde ve öğretimde çağdaş ve güçlü teknolojik bir altyapıyı oluşturmaya çalışan, sektörlerin ve toplumun ihtiyaçlarına yönelik uygulanabilir projelerin üretilmesine çalışan sosyal, etik ve evrensel değerlere sahip bireyler yetiştirmek amacıyla çalışıyor.