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Prof. Dr. Eyüp Debik

  • Vice-Rectors

    Prof. Dr. Ahmet Göksel AĞARGÜN
    Prof. Dr. Hüseyin YILMAZ
    Prof. Dr. Vatan KARAKAYA 

  • Dean of the Faculty of Education

    Prof. Dr. Ali Fuat ARICI

  • Representative of the Faculty of Education 

    Prof. Dr. Yavuz ERİŞEN

  • Dean of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

    Prof. Dr. K. Nur BEKİROĞLU

  • Representative of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

    Prof. Dr. Ahmet Faruk BAKAN

  • Dean of the Faculty of Shipbuilding and Maritime Affairs

    Prof. Dr. Hüseyin YILMAZ

  • Representative of The Faculty of Shipbuilding and Maritime Affairs

     Prof. Dr. Uğur Buğra ÇELEBİ

  • Vice Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences

    Prof. Dr. Bestami ÖZKAYA

  • Representative of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences

    Prof. Dr. Belkız BİLGİN ERAN

  • Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

    Prof. Dr. Yasin ŞEHİTOĞLU

  • Representative of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

    Prof. Dr. Salih DURER

  • Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering

    Prof. Dr. Ahmet DEMİR

  • Representative of the Faculty of Civil Engineering

    Prof. Dr. Ahmet DEMİR

  • Dean of the Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering

    Prof. Dr. Osman SAĞDIÇ

  • Representative of the Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering

    Prof. Dr. Enes DERTLİ

  • Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

    Prof. Dr. İhsan KAYA

  • Representative of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

    Prof. Dr. Zehra YUMURTACI

  • Dean of the Faculty of Architecture

    Prof. Dr. Sırma TURGUT

  • Representative of the Faculty of Architecture

    Prof. Dr. Gülay ZORER GEDİK

  • Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Design

    Prof. Dr. Turan SAĞER

  • Representative of the Faculty of Arts and Design

    Prof. İlhan ÖZKEÇECİ

  • Vice Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences

    Prof. Dr. Özer ÇINAR

  • Representative of the Faculty of Applied Sciences

    Prof. Dr. Ersoy ÖZ

  • Director of the Institute of Graduate Studies in Social Sciences

    Prof. Dr. Murat Anıl MERCAN

  • Director of the Institute of Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering

    Prof. Dr. Güleda ENGİN

  • Director of the School of Foreign Languages

    Prof. Dr. Suzan KAVANOZ

  • Director of Vocational Schools

    Prof. Dr. Mehmet Engin DENİZ

  • Deputy Director of the Vocational School of National Palaces and Historical Buildings.

    Prof. Dr. Gülay ZORER GEDİK

  • Reporter

    Ahmet Yüksel KARAHAN (Secretary General)


The Senate is the university's top decision-making body on academic matters. The Senate consists of vice-rectors, deans, and institute directors, one faculty member to be elected by faculty members from each faculty for three years, and up to three directors to be selected from among the directors of vocational colleges. The secretary general attends senate meetings and acts as a rapporteur without voting rights. The university student representative can participate in meetings other than academic promotion and appointment issues as non-voters. The Senate convenes at the urging of the rector at least twice in each academic year.

The duties and powers of the Senate are as follows:
  • To decide on the strategic plan in universities without a university council,
  • To issue the regulations of the university under the provisions of this law,
  • To decide to propose the establishment of faculties, institutes, research institutes, and conservatories within the university,
  • To decide on the establishment of vocational schools, research and application centers, departments, and majors of arts and sciences within the university,
  • To decide the curriculum of the higher education units within the university,
  • To decide on expropriation on behalf of the university, purchase of the real estate, the establishment of real rights in favor of third parties on real estate owned by the university,
  • To decide on the academic calendar of the university,
  • To determine the criteria to be based on academic upgrades of the university,
  • To determine the award of an honorary doctorate,
  • To discuss the objections made to the decisions taken by the faculty board,
  • to perform the duties given by law

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