Prof. Dr. Eyüp Debik
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Göksel AĞARGÜN
Prof. Dr. Hüseyin YILMAZ
Prof. Dr. Vatan KARAKAYADean of the Faculty of Education
Prof. Dr. Ali Fuat ARICI
Representative of the Faculty of Education
Prof. Dr. Yavuz ERİŞEN
Dean of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Prof. Dr. K. Nur BEKİROĞLU
Representative of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Faruk BAKAN
Dean of the Faculty of Shipbuilding and Maritime Affairs
Prof. Dr. Hüseyin YILMAZ
Representative of The Faculty of Shipbuilding and Maritime Affairs
Prof. Dr. Uğur Buğra ÇELEBİ
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Prof. Dr. Bestami ÖZKAYA
Representative of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Prof. Dr. Belkız BİLGİN ERAN
Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Prof. Dr. Yasin ŞEHİTOĞLU
Representative of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Prof. Dr. Salih DURER
Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering
Prof. Dr. Ahmet DEMİR
Representative of the Faculty of Civil Engineering
Prof. Dr. Uğur KURT
Dean of the Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering
Prof. Dr. Osman SAĞDIÇ
Representative of the Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering
Prof. Dr. Enes DERTLİ
Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Prof. Dr. İhsan KAYA
Representative of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Prof. Dr. Zehra YUMURTACI
Dean of the Faculty of Architecture
Prof. Dr. Sırma TURGUT
Representative of the Faculty of Architecture
Prof. Dr. Gülay ZORER GEDİK
Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Design
Prof. Dr. Turan SAĞER
Representative of the Faculty of Arts and Design
Prof. İlhan ÖZKEÇECİ
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences
Prof. Dr. Özer ÇINAR
Representative of the Faculty of Applied Sciences
Prof. Dr. Ersoy ÖZ
Director of the Institute of Graduate Studies in Social Sciences
Prof. Dr. Murat Anıl MERCAN
Director of the Institute of Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering
Prof. Dr. Güleda ENGİN
Director of the School of Foreign Languages
Prof. Dr. Suzan KAVANOZ
Director of Vocational Schools
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Engin DENİZ
Deputy Director of the Vocational School of National Palaces and Historical Buildings.
Prof. Dr. Gülay ZORER GEDİK
Ahmet Yüksel KARAHAN (Secretary General)